course « History of French Psychoanalysis »
East-European Institute of Psychoanalysis
Большой проспект ПС, 18А, St Petersburg, Russie, 197198
3 November 2017 : Lecture 1
How to write the history of psychoanalysis or to write history psychoanalytically ? The questions of method of narration.
Preinstitutional period of psychoanalysis in France (1907-1926). The purposes and aims of psychoanalytic institutions. The clinical, theoretical and ethical basis of the society.
Société Psychanalytique de Paris (1926). René Laforgue. Marie Bonaparte. Rudolph Loewenstein. The questions of formation of the psychoanalysts and didactic analysis.
10 November 2017 : Lecture 2
French psychoanalysts in the debates between M. Klein and A. Freud. Arise of the theory of object relations in France. Three whales of French psychoanalysis : Sacha Nacht, Daniel Lagache, Jacques Lacan.
First split (1953-1964)
Split of the S.P.P. and formation of l’Association psychanalytique de France. D. Lagache, J. Lacan, F. Dolto, W. Granoff, D. Anzieu.
First research in infant psychoanalysis in Françoise Dolto.
17 November 2017 : Lecture 3
Second split (1964-1981)
The split of 1964 and formation of the École freudienne de Paris. Jean Laplanche, Jean-Bertrand Lefèvre-Pontalis, Piera Aulagnier, François Perrier, Jean-Paul Valabrega.
Lacanian clinical technique in contemporary psychoanalysis.
Critique of lacanian technique in S.P.P. André Green, Julia Kristeva.
Research of psychosomatic in Pierre Marty, Michel Fain, Michel de M’Uzan and Joyce McDougall.
École freudienne de Paris (1964-1981)
Ecole as a symptom of Lacan. Theory and clinic of later Lacan. Refuse of structuralism. Topology as a clinical method. Clinic of jouissance. Body of the Other in psychoanalysis (XX seminaire). Didactic analysis and “passe” in later Lacan.
24 November 2017 : Lecture 4
Comtemporary psychoanalysis (1981-2017)
Post-Lacanian Schools :
1981 – École de la Cause freudienne. Jacques-Alain Miller
1984 – Association Lacanienne Internationale. Charles Melman
1985 – École lacanienne de psychanalyse. Guy Le Gaufey
1994 – Société de psychanalyse freudienne. Patrick Guyomard
1995 – Espace analytique. Maud Mannoni
2000 – Institut des Hautes Études en Psychanalyse. René Major